Monday, December 11, 2006

Question about Questions

What are your questions these days? Please post them :)

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Monday, December 4, 2006

Questions about our planet

So, even if congressional folk sincerely think the data doesn't prove that global warming is yet in a crisis state, or that the USA can make a significant contribution toward slowing down global warming, why wouldn't they act to err on the side of safety rather than on the side of recklessness (by omitting effective action)? The stakes are high.

What can individuals and small groups do to make a difference in global warming? Could we each work with our local governments to qualify as cool cities? Can we ask spokespeople who say we're not in crisis to give us statistics that rival those presented in Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth"?

Questions about Congressional process

How can voters have a say on how responsibly our senators and congresspeople pass bills?

Would it help if, to sign a bill, all senators and congresspeople would have to sign off on a line that says he or she has read the whole bill and agrees with the whole bill?

Would this lead to shorter bills with less pork? Or at least to curtail representatives' tendencey to pass the buck in terms of personal responsibility?

If not, what process would require representatives to take on personal responsiblity for the whole of a given vote?

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Questions about memorials in DC

I have sat with pride in the Lincoln Memorial, felt the beauty of the US social experiment at the Jefferson Memorial, cried for an hour at the Vietnam Memorial, and look forward to seeing the World War II memorial to peole like my dad.

Still I ask: Why are almost all our national memorials about war and fighters? Why are there no monuments to public servants or to peacemakers? Do these folk not also significantly contribute to the health and safety of US society?

Would memorials to other kinds of contributors to US society broaden our views on who has historically helped our country to flourish?

If so, what would they be? Union organizers? Feminists? Peacemakers? Civil Servants? . . . If not, why not?

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Questions about health Insurance

Why is health insurance presumed to be necessary in the so-called debates over how to make health care affordable? Are there studies on cost and service benefits of other systems? For example, what would it cost to have doctors and other medical folk be paid fair wages, and payment come from our federal tax coffers, so that insurance was not needed at all? What would that scenario look like and how good quality care be ensured under such systems?

Does the label "socialist" for healthcare mean anything to you? If so, what?

Who is served by not controlling healthcare costs?
Would a system in which the government paid for healthcare directly, without an insurance system, be more socialist than the current system that doesn't work for everyone and barely works for those eligible? If so, in what ways?
Would it change the number of jobs in the health care industry? Would our economy be damaged by rapid phasing out of this area of the insurance industry, which is major loanee to major building projects, for example?

What are some of your experiences with current systems?


Thursday, November 30, 2006

Questions about Congress

What would happen if every congressperson— representative or senator—who signed a law also had to state that he or she had read the law in its entirety in its final form?

Would laws be shorter and more comprehensible?

Would laws be more in the interests of the country as a whole and less in the hands of special interest groups? If not, why not?

Would regional and special interest groups have to make their cases to the nation as a whole?

Would laws never get passed? Would they be passed more easily?

How could such a system be tested or implemented?

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Questions about corporations

Am I the only one who wants to know with whom I'm doing business?

When I buy products with cute down-home names, it would be nice to know which ones are made by small businesses and which by arms of a corporation. Same with stores, hotels, etc.

The names of parent corporations tend to be on the product or service only when it serves the corporate image. Wouldn't you like to know who's taking your money and providing you with service?

What is your opinion on the benefits or drawbacks of storefronts, websites, products, and services listing the name of the parent corporation under the business's name, including the legal city/state/country of corporate headquarters, so that we have a better idea of whom we're supporting when we buy?

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Questions about supposedly unbiased TV newscasts

Have you contacted any TV newscasts lately about overly biased statements made and not received any reply or seen any apology for gross misstatements? If so, what did you see/hear, how did you contact whom, and what did you expect and not receive?

Monday, November 27, 2006

Questions about Weapons

Why has no UN official or politician or newscaster asked Israel to send in squads to pick up their cluster bombs? Or at least to pay for cleaning them up, including paying for lifelong care of anyone hurt cleaning them up? Is this not common human decency?
Why has no reporter asked these kinds of questions?

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Questions about citizen conversations

Who is served by framing questions important to us all as though there are only two points of view and as though there is a culture war?
Who is served by respectful conversations that listen as much as they ask? That look for views not stuck at polar opposites?

Who is served by framing questions important to us all as though there are only two points of view and as though there is a culture war? The questioner only? Answers are severely restricted to fit the agenda of the questioner?

Who is served by respectful conversations that listen as much as they ask? That look for views not stuck at polar opposites? Those answering have a chance to hear their own views and reexamine them, as do those who ask questions?

Questions about US taxes

Why don't taxpayers have the right to specify which areas of expenditures their taxes support? What would specifying categories look like?

What are the pluses and minuses of taxpayers choosing where their money goes?

Which existing categories you would choose to support?
Which new areas would you would like to see your taxes support?
Which existing categories would you like cut back?

IRS categories-first list

Here's a beginning list taxpayers might choose from. Please leave suggestions on other categories or subcategories.

Increase salary and benefits of members of Congress
Maintain of salary and benefits of members of Congress
Decrease of salary and benefits of members of Congress
Increase salary and benefits of support staff of members of Congress
Maintain salary and benefits of support staff of members of Congress
Decrease salary and benefits of support staff of members of Congress
Increase salary and benefits of Executive Branch major players
Maintain salary and benefits of Executive Branch major players
Decrease salary and benefits of Executive Branch major players
Increase salary and benefits of Executive Branch support staff
Maintain salary and benefits of Executive Branch support staff
Decrease salary and benefits of Executive Branch support staff
Increase salary and benefits of Judicial Branch major players
Maintain salary and benefits of Judicial Branch major players
Decrease salary and benefits of Judicial Branch major players

Increase salary and benefits of Pentagon major players
Maintain salary and benefits of Pentagon major players
Decrease salary and benefits of Pentagon major players
Increase salary and benefits of Pentagon support staff
Maintain salary and benefits of Pentagon support staff
Decrease salary and benefits of Pentagon support staff
Increase funds to hire think-tank policy advisers
Maintain funds to hire think-tank policy advisers
Decrease funds to hire think-tank policy advisers
Increase funds for new types of weapons
Maintain funds to for new types of weapons
Decrease funds to for new types of weapons
Increase salary and benefits of officers and non-coms not working in the Pentagon
Maintain salary and benefits of officers and non-coms not working in the Pentagon
Decrease salary and benefits of officers and non-coms not working in the Pentagon
Increase funds for VA programs
Maintain funds for VA programs
Decrease funds for VA programs
Increase military recruiting advertisements, scholarships, etc.
Maintain military recruiting advertisements, scholarships, etc.
Decrease military recruiting advertisements, scholarships, etc.
Increase military education benefits for vets
Maintain military education benefits for vets
Decrease military education benefits for vets
Increase funds for military tactical research
Maintain funds for military tactical research
Decrease funds for military tactical research
Increase funds for military training for other countries
Maintain funds for military training for other countries
Decrease funds for military training for other countries

Increase salary and benefits of Peace Corps volunteers
Maintain salary and benefits of Peace Corps volunteers
Decrease salary and benefits of Peace Corps volunteers
Increase salary and benefits of domestic corps volunteers
Maintain salary and benefits of domestic corps volunteers
Decrease salary and benefits of domestic corps volunteers
Increase funds to research ways to support other countries in ways that are self-sustaining
Maintain funds to research ways to support other countries in ways that are self-sustaining
Decrease funds to research ways to support other countries in ways that are self-sustaining

Increase funds to support businesses that hire domestic legal workers
Maintain funds to support businesses that hire domestic legal workers
Decrease funds to support businesses that hire domestic legal workers